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Coppice Agroforestry - Tending Trees for Product, Profit & Woodland Ecology Self Paced
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Why Coppice Agroforestry?
Coppicing is a "cut and come again" type of forestry. It’s a way of managing trees and shrubs by cutting them down, allowing them to regrow, and then harvesting the maturing sprouts for a diverse range of value added products. It’s a practice that’s deeply embedded in human history around the world, but it’s virtually unknown in temperate North America.
Leveraging the remarkable fact that most trees don't die when you cut them, they resprout, participants in this course have the opportunity to learn how to apply coppice agroforestry to their special area of interest. The “Polewood Economy” recognizes the value and utility of small diameter wood products, used in the round, for many applications including - fuelwood, craft and building materials, propagation stock, chop and drop farm fertility, livestock fodder, production opportunities on marginal land, and much more.
Uniquely tailored to temperate North America (but applicable to landscapes spanning the globe), we know of no other English-language course that covers the history, biology, ecology, economy, design and management of these sprout-based practices so extensively.
Uniquely tailored to temperate North America (but applicable to landscapes spanning the globe), we know of no other English-language course that covers the history, biology, ecology, economy, design and management of these sprout-based practices so extensively.
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Who is this workshop for?
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Coppice Agroforestry
This one-of-a-kind course comes on the heels of the 2022 release of Coppice Agroforestry - Tending Trees for Product, Profit and Woodland Ecology. Perhaps once of the most complete and extensive modern books on the subject of coppicing, pollarding, and other forms of resprout silviculture, this book will serve as an essential companion to the course with each chapter providing the guiding structure for our course sessions. The product of more than 10 years of writing, research, field study both domestic and international, Coppice Agroforestry aims to help push the state of this ancient art towards a renewed relevance and appreciation in the modern era.
To order and learn more about the book visit:
To learn more about Mark's traditional woodworking business featuring various products made from greenwood using hand tools visit:
To order and learn more about the book visit:
To learn more about Mark's traditional woodworking business featuring various products made from greenwood using hand tools visit:
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Learn how to create and maintain coppice agroforestry systems!
Course Sessions and Content
Course Logistics
Any time that works for you! Digest the course content at your own pace, knowing that you have lifetime access to the material. This course becomes another valuable resource in your land management toolbox.
A series of video presentations, worksheets, assignments, plant lists and other resources to equip you to make best use of these pivotal landscape design elements.
A community of peers who are on the same journey as you, to interact with and learn from.
Online and accessible from anywhere in the world, with lifetime access to the course materials and recordings.
Tools and Resources
Tools and resources that will help you determine the right steps to take.
Don't hesitate
Timing doesn't work for you? Don't worry, each session is recorded and you have lifetime access!
Our students love us
Mark teaches from a deep well of both knowledge and experience. While others in this space offer only theory, Mark has years of putting these elements into practice. His teaching style is approachable for the layperson, but he's ready and able to dive deep into the technical details with students who wish to take their learning to the next level.
Mark's deep knowledge from years of hands-on experience shows in his joyous way of teaching which makes his knowledge accessible to all who are willing to listen. From coppicing to natural building, his plant identification skills, and his keen eye for design - it is a privilege to have such wisdom shared with oneself.
Anna Vellante
I feel extraordinarily blessed to have learned from Mark during my permaculture and ecological design journey. I knew immediately that he was the teacher my heart and soul had been waiting for. His life beautifully weaves together the forest, his family, and his dedication to helping his students understand and succeed. If you have the opportunity to learn with Mark, I recommend taking him up on the gift that it is to learn with him.
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Who is the course a good fit for?
This course may be of use to you if you are:
a Whole system and critical thinker;
interested in learning how to read landscapes better;
ready to learn;
excited to dive into the world of coppice agroforestry;
realistic in your expectations, or willing to have your expectations of what's possible challenged.
Who is this course NOT a good fit for?
You have no time, you're enrolled in 50 online courses this year and this will be but another course that you don't attend.
Those who think coppice agroforestry is a cool idea, but have no desire to build your skill or capacity to design and implement these essential landscape elements.
Anyone who thinks coppice agroforestry is the be-all and end-all of an ecologically functioning landscape. Coppice agroforestry is a part of a functioning ecology.
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Learn from Teachers who can save you hundreds of hours of mistakes
"We all learn from mistakes, they just don't have to be our own."
Our students love us
During a tree identification lesson taught by Mark, he said to step back and look at the shape and outline of a tree from a distance. I had been so focused on leaf and bark pattern, that it never occurred to me to look at the form. I realized later that this was a perfect example of how to change your viewpoint, and take it all in. This became a key lesson to me for design and observation in general. Thanks Mark, for helping me to see the bigger picture.
Joel Schwartz
Mark is, perhaps the most effective Master of Schedule and Time as an instructor I have met. He has an unfathomable amount of humility considering the depth and breadth of knowledge he possesses. It became evident almost immediately how valuable a source of knowledge he is, his advice and consideration delivered with genuine respect and refreshing humour. Endlessly grateful for having met him, for having learned from him, however briefly.
Marina Vernovsky
Mark’s instruction has been priceless to me. His breadth of knowledge and sincerity make him an excellent teacher. I highly recommend his classes to fellow newcomers.
Meet the Teacher
Mark Krawczyk
Mark Krawczyk has been fascinated with the art of coppicing and other forms of “resprout silviculture” for the past 20 years, ever since apprenticing with British coppice worker Ben Law in his West Sussex stand of Sweet chestnut. He’s spent more than 15 years lecturing, teaching, and working with landholders on agroforestry, permaculture, and small-scale forestry projects across the US, Canada and beyond, and traveling in North America and Europe to understand the ways people harness trees’ remarkable sprouting capabilities in a wide range of contexts.
He is an applied ecologist, educator, and grower incorporating permaculture design, agroforestry, natural building, traditional woodworking, and small-scale forestry. He owns and operates Keyline Vermont LLC, providing farmers, homeowners, and homesteaders with education, design, and consulting services. He and his wife also manage Valley Clayplain Forest Farm, 52 acres of field and forest in New Haven, Vermont.
He is an applied ecologist, educator, and grower incorporating permaculture design, agroforestry, natural building, traditional woodworking, and small-scale forestry. He owns and operates Keyline Vermont LLC, providing farmers, homeowners, and homesteaders with education, design, and consulting services. He and his wife also manage Valley Clayplain Forest Farm, 52 acres of field and forest in New Haven, Vermont.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author

Meet the Host
Javan K. Bernakevitch
Javan K. Bernakevitch is passionate about helping people create more abundant, diverse and profitable landscapes and lives that get better year after year. An educator and designer for clients, community events, non-profit groups, university students and businesses, Javan inspires and empowers audiences with a passion for change.
Integrating Keyline Design, Holistic Management, Permaculture, the Soil Food Web, Myco-Integration, Project Management and Business implementation, he understands and emphasizes the importance of balancing biological systems - soil, water-harvesting, landscape rehydration, composting, growing food and biological waste-water treatment - with financial viability. A career focus on regenerative retrofits of broad acre and small scale landscapes to re-establish working watersheds, ecosystems, productive landscapes and enterprises has taken him across North and Central America, Europe and Africa.
The originator of All Points Life Design, he has pioneered new ways for clients to identify their values and bring regenerative enterprises and productive landscapes to their lives.
He operates Permaculture BC, an education and community hub for permaculture in British Columbia, and All Points Land Design, focusing on land design and installation. He has worked with the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University and Simon Fraser University. Recent partnerships include working with the Cowichan Green Community, Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy, Galliano Conversation Association and Healthy Homes.
Integrating Keyline Design, Holistic Management, Permaculture, the Soil Food Web, Myco-Integration, Project Management and Business implementation, he understands and emphasizes the importance of balancing biological systems - soil, water-harvesting, landscape rehydration, composting, growing food and biological waste-water treatment - with financial viability. A career focus on regenerative retrofits of broad acre and small scale landscapes to re-establish working watersheds, ecosystems, productive landscapes and enterprises has taken him across North and Central America, Europe and Africa.
The originator of All Points Life Design, he has pioneered new ways for clients to identify their values and bring regenerative enterprises and productive landscapes to their lives.
He operates Permaculture BC, an education and community hub for permaculture in British Columbia, and All Points Land Design, focusing on land design and installation. He has worked with the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University and Simon Fraser University. Recent partnerships include working with the Cowichan Green Community, Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy, Galliano Conversation Association and Healthy Homes.
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Frequently asked questions
Do I need any experience to take this course?
Absolutely not! No previous experience is necessary!
Can I message you with questions?
This is a self paced course. There is no direct access to the instructor HOWEVER there is the possibility of attending a LIVE version of the course after you've enrolled in the self paced course for a small fee.
Will have lifetime access to the course material?
YES! You'll have lifetime access to the course.
Is the course refundable?
The course is non-refundable.
How much time per week do I need to budget for the homework assignments?
The homework assignments are COMPLETELY optional. Mark estimates you need roughly 1-3 hours to complete the assignments per week.
How much time per week do I need to budget for the required reading?
Mark estimates you need roughly 1-3 hours to complete the reading per session depending on your reading speed. The suggested resources, including articles, books, and videos, could take a lifetime to review.
Don't hesitate