Reflection and Intention

Envision 2024 Self Paced

A facilitated 2.5 hour online workshop that helps you to reflect and review upon the year that was - the highs, the lows, the themes, what worked and what didn't - and to envision what you'd like the next year to be.
Write your awesome label here.
Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life's coming attractions.
Albert Einstein

Why envision the coming year?

Last year, around this time, I started looking to the year ahead. 

I sat down and reviewed the last year, imagined who I'd be in a year's time and checked in with the values that were alive for my current state of being. Those values became my trajectory for the next year.

As I take stock a year latter I realised that, despite a year of unexpected and unprecedented events, I've succeeded and even surpassed my expectations.

I chalk my progress up to never falling into the trap of goals, and being more concerned with my state of being.

I chalk up my success to taking the time to check in with myself and honestly evaluate where I am, and where I want to be.

I chalk up how I feel today to a committed process that doesn't stop or start at a year's end or beginning, but charts a trajectory where I can constantly check where I am and ask:

"Where do I want to go next?"

As I sat down again this year to consider the last year and envision the next, that old feeling of "you should share this with others" came back to invite me yet again to share something that's been so useful and personal for me.

And wouldn't you know it, a colleague reached out and asked: "Are you doing that Envision thingy again?"

I'm pleased to announce that I'll be hosting another Envision workshop this year, lasting about two and a half hours, to help those who are interested in reviewing the year that was, and envisioning the year that is yet to be.
Envision 2023 was the most impactful workshop I took over 2022. I sat down the last few days and went through the process again. I will be making my decision based on my values. Also, I was surprised to discover the lack of joy and rudderlessness in 2022. Made me pause. Thank you for this excellent workshop and your work in the world.
Mark Cassle - Grief and Loss Elder
Looking back over the year in the workshop with Javan gave me a better perspective of what I need to implement moving forward to be able to better track and monitor my life's progression. The tools and reflection questions Javan offers create a very supportive and loving space to do so in a nonjudgmental, but observational, way. “When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” Alexander Den Heijer. Working with Javan is helping me to shape, build and create the most healthy, supportive terrain of my dreams!
Neaghn Stanley - Mom

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop isn't for everyone.

It's a mental, emotional and even spiritual approach to reviewing and envisioning the past and future year. If you're someone who needs a purely mental, or purely emotional, or purely spiritual approach I think you'll be challenged by this process.

In fire fighting training there's a concept of an open and fixed mindset. If you feel you have an open mindset when it comes to a new way of approaching review and reflection, I think you'll enjoy the process.

If you have a growth mindset, one that acknowledges that learning and wisdom comes from experimentation and reflection, and are open to failing, I not only think you'll enjoy the process but thrive in the workshop.

Ultimately this workshop is for those that would like to be guided through a simple yet structured facilitated process that reviews the past year, envisions the next and sets the intention for the values and trajectory for the year to come.

The heart of this workshop is paying attention to our inner nature and landscape and being open to the feedback we receive.
Envision inspired me to really dig into the past year of my life and consider who and what influenced my day to day. The workshop asked me to reflect on what my future self needs and desires, and what positive momentum I'd like to carry forward into 2021, and what influences I'd rather leave behind, or not engage in. Javan was a kind, gentle and constructive facilitator. I appreciated the communal aspect of the workshop and having the chance to feel the energies of other people all around the world. It's true that so little of our day to day allows for, or encourages the act of reflection, and the workshop reminded me that I have the power to enact this ritual of reflection for myself. "If you don't design your own life, someone else will design it for you." The workshop helped me feel a little braver in thinking forward to 2021 and dreaming, envisioning, and sculpting the values that I'd like to see represented in my day to day life. It was an overwhelmingly positive experience.
Trina Moyles - Author

Workshop Details


Facilitated Inward Process

This is a guided review and reflection of the past year and envisioning the next


This is an interactive workshop, come prepared to be focused, and work through all the exercises 

Likeminded Community

A like minded community of people focusing on reflection and envisioning so that they can live their best lives

Online and Recorded

The guided exercises have been recorded for replay with lifetime access


There are 30-120 minutes of pre-workshop exercises to receive the most value from the workshop 


$29 USD

This workshop is non-refundable
Javan is an excellent facilitator and served as a very effective guide through the Envision 2021 workshop. His mastery of the reflection and visioning process which he’s developed and generously shared with others is admirable and a gift to the world.
Ry Thompson - Ecologist

The Process

This workshop will guide participants through a facilitated inward process.

You'll walk away with a different lens to look over the past year and prepare for the next year.

Both heartfelt and logical, the process in this workshop will guide participants through a:

  • structured monthly review of the past year,
  • assessment of the elements that supported your well being during the past year,
  • guided visioning exercise for the next year,
  • distillation of your desired state of being for next year, and
  • setting your intention for the year to come.
This dedicated workshop was a beautiful mix of visualization, note-taking, and sharing. I felt very encouraged by the process and appreciated the energy that Javan and the rest of the participants brought to it. I came away with a good sense of what was uplifting from the past year, and a list of values that I felt would take me closer to my vision for the future. Definitely worthwhile and would highly recommend!
Grahame Teeple - Garden Designer
This workshop really helped me slow down my constantly busy mind and take stock in myself. It made me rethink what I am capable of and helped me reshape the dialogue in my own head. I am ready to move forward with more thought of "I am a person who does 'xyz'.... " Instead of saying I will work on continuing education, I will rephrase the narrative to "I am a person who embraces educational improvements". 
Peter Brasovan - Entrepreneur and Business Coach
Javan provides a supportive and intimate group experience where it feels safe to both examine my own thoughts and share when I feel like it. He attends to all group members without pressure or expectation. 
Krystel Saunders - Dreamer, Nurturer, Butcher
We need to (and know we need to) make the time and space to do this work, but it can be tough with a couple demanding kids and a ranch to run. This workshop gives us the excuse to make that space. The timing was perfect for landing 2022 as we prepare for the coming year in our business and personal lives. Great start to this process, and we will continue to participate.
Tristan Banwell - Ranch Manager
It was very valuable to use my calendar to try and remember what happened during the year! What I never wrote down on my calendar were spontaneous daily experiences like daily meditation and stretching, taking walks whenever possible while listening to podcasts. This is the fabric of my life and became clear when I was doing the values list. I loved the phrase "close the space." Very helpful! And I loved the concept "People are a decision." Thanks for offering this very affordable (for me) class.
Ellen Farmer - Writer
Thank you for offering this workshop! Like: SERIOUSLY thank you, you're very good at this and bring the right energy to it. If you continue offering this workshop I will very much enjoy making it my new annual tradition.

Being given the steps in little tiny pieces, with good examples/explanations, realistic timeframe for completing the work (being told to expect to spend several hours on pre-work: yes!), that's all enormously helpful. To feel like a group of us were all "trying together," that feels very motivating and supportive. And the guided visualizations during the workshop were fantastic...there can be a lot of crud in the course of a year, and Javan had a great lens for looking at it all & feeling what was there without getting caught up in it. This workshop is genuinely making a big difference in my year so far. I'd already done a lot of work with values/goals/etc, but this exercise helped me pin-things down into what I want to focus on RIGHT NOW. It took me until February to get it pulled together, but I now have a poster on my wall with my "2023 values/vision" written down, and it's something I interact with every day. 
Amy Fenn - Project coordinator & Farmer
I'm so grateful for your process and commitment to yourself and that you're now sharing this process with us. I love how simple this process is. Often, there's self-help or new-age stuff that's full of BS and froufrou. I love how straightforward you've made this process simple yet profound. It's something I need to mull over over the holidays and go through this exercise again, think about it and talk it through to myself. Thank you so much. I just threw myself into life, and I feel like I've done good, but in the world of regeneration and being a force for change, yet I have degenerated myself in the process. Now I feel like I'm finally coming back to myself. I've always known you got to be the architect of your life. And I felt like I was, but I wasn't moving intentionally day to day. I'm just grateful for you and you being you and continuing to be you because it's helping me so much. Thank you.
Vivian Kaloxilos - Soil Specialist and Advocate
I wanted to say thank you. The timing in which your workshops appear in my inbox is perfect. I never like to let go of things that I see so much value in. And the tried and true things you have done, Javan, are worth showing up for. This work has lit a fire under me. Thank you. There can't be enough thank yous for this. I really, really appreciate it. I'm oddly excited, to do this process as much work as it is. It's just so valuable. It's exciting to see other people who also see value in designing their own life. Thank you all for being here and for sharing everything. And thank you, Javan, once again.
Jullianne Gillies - Farmer Community Organizer
I'm really excited about this. This is a combination of what I've been looking for for years. I've wanted a structure to facilitate reflection and clarify my values. I've paid for other people's spreadsheets and processes that they use. It was way too complex and needed to be guided. I've worked with a couple of life and career coaches, and I wanted to get this process from them. But I didn't. I like a lot about this process. It incorporated the different pieces of wisdom you've gathered, and I'm happy to have them all combined into something so simple. Thank you.
Erik Bowden - Builder and Construction Analyst
This was super helpful for me. It was really nice to have a held space. I have a spiritual practice, and my teacher told me I needed to update my compass. Having the health space and process to update my life compass was significant. I've worked with other exercises, but I appreciate having the held space and enthusiasm for the process. I was talking to Javan before we started. I was saying that I kind of know what I need to do, but I didn't know exactly, like I am stuck about how to make it happen. Through the process, I got some ideas; I could do this, or that. I'm unstuck! I know how I can make some of these things that I want happen.
Thank you so much. I do similar things with people, but I've had a tough year. I've had lots of really significant health challenges. It's hard to hold space for myself to do this, you know? It's just a pleasure to be in this space and to see that you have a well-tested process you've worked through with many people. It's reliable year after year. It's nice to see a bit of that deeper look. On what's helped you and people in your community to keep moving and developing those values-based lifestyles. Thank you so much.
Alla Guelber - Meaningful Work Project

Workshop Elements

This year (2020) is undoubtedly the most significant year that forced me to reflect on my past and current actions – I'm sure many of us felt this way.

Am I moving towards a regenerative path? Am I doing enough? How can I better support the health of my family and community?

I grappled with attempting to answer these questions throughout the year while trying to make sense of our collective shitshow unravelling before my eyes.

Envision 2021 with Javan gave me the clarity to streamline my internal processes. This value-based learning rebooted my operating system of principles and is an excellent reminder of shifting from paralytic thoughts to an incremental mindset. I cannot recommend this enough.

This workshop needs to happen at least twice a year!
Jo Tobias - Living Soil Consultant

Pre-Workshop Exercises

There is approximately 1 - 5 hrs (depending on the level of review you conduct) of prep work before the workshop. 

When you register, instructions for the pre-workshop exercises will be available in the second module.
Javan expertly leads people through a valuable recap of the year behind so you can plan accordingly for the year ahead. Understanding what events, people, and activities had the greatest positive impact on your life over the past months enables you and challenges you to bring those positives to the forefront in the months and years ahead. The goal is to fill your life with more of those positive life experiences of growth and healthy stress, leaving the negative experiences of decay and distress behind, and Javan’s workshop is an empowering tool to arrive at the doorstep of that goal in a matter of hours.
Jordan McPhee - Farmer

Final Thoughts

Thanks for taking the time to read about this year's workshop.

If you join the workshop or not, I hope you take the time to review and reflect during this time of year.

Compounded over time, the results of review, reflection and then envisioning the year to come are simply astounding.

If you're ready to jump in, I look forward to seeing you in the workshop

The very best to you and yours for this upcoming year and beyond.


Javan K. Bernakevitch

PS If this workshop isn't for you, but you see the value in it, please consider sharing this page on your social media or inviting a friend or family member who you think would benefit from the experience.

Previous participants thoughts

Write your awesome label here.
Alla Guelber - Meaningful Work Project - Canada
Meet the instructor

Javan K. Bernakevitch

Javan is a life and land designer helping clients globally to create abundant, diverse and profitable lives and landscapes that get better year after year. 

Since 2009 he's been helping clarify clients' values, filter decisions through those values and develop thriving businesses, landscapes and lives. 

An educator and designer for clients, community events, non-profit groups, university students and businesses, Javan inspires and empowers audiences with a passion for change.

Integrating Keyline Design, Holistic Management, Permaculture, the Soil Food Web, Myco-Integration, Project Management and Business implementation, he understands and emphasizes the importance of balancing biological systems - soil, water-harvesting, landscape rehydration, composting, growing food and biological waste-water treatment - with financial viability. A career focus on regenerative retrofits of broad acre and small scale landscapes to re-establish working watersheds, ecosystems, productive landscapes and enterprises has taken him across North and Central America, Europe and Africa.

The originator of All Points Life Design, he has pioneered new ways for clients to identify their values and bring regenerative enterprises and productive landscapes to their lives.

He operates Permaculture BC, an education and community hub for permaculture in British Columbia, and All Points Land Design, focusing on land design and installation.

In 2020 he created Regenerative Living as an online educational platform dedicated to teaching practical skills to live on the planet as if we intend to stay.

He has worked with the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University and Simon Fraser University. Recent partnerships include working with the Cowichan Green Community, Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy, Galliano Conversation Association and Healthy Homes.

He calls British Columbia, Canada home and stewards 400 acres with his family and Turkish Akbash bear dog Noa.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author

Previous participants thoughts

Write your awesome label here.
Vivian Kaloxilos - Docterre - Soil Food Web Specialist - Canada

Frequently asked questions

Do I need any experience to take this course?

Absolutely not! No previous experience is necessary!

Will have lifetime access to the course material?

YES! You'll have lifetime access to the course

Is the course refundable?

The course is non-refundable.

Is there pre-workshop homework?

Yes! To get the most out of the live portion of this workshop there is a 1-3hr exercise that participants should complete before the live portion.

Previous participants thoughts

Write your awesome label here.
Erik Bowden - Lead Embodied Carbon Analyst & Application Developer - Canada

Envision a better 2024 

Previous participants thoughts

Write your awesome label here.
Julilynn Gillies - Taimi Soil Projects - Canada
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